Binder with 5 Human Rights. Yes! Books
11.5 x 12

Human Rights. Yes! Binder Set (free after shipping & handling)

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Human Rights. Yes! Books in a 3-Ringed Binder
Second Edition

Special While Supplies Last! Free after shipping and handling!
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Human Rights. Yes! is a comprehensive human rights curriculum on the rights of persons with disabilities developed by leading experts in the fields of disability rights, international human rights law, human rights education, and grassroots advocacy. Human Rights. Yes! is Topic Book 6 in the Human Rights Education Series published by the University of Minnesota Human Rights Center. It draws on the full body of international human rights law, with a focus on the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The book utilizes an active learning approach and is intended to serve as a resource for disabled people's organizations, human rights advocates, national human rights institutions, governmental human rights focal points, and international development and humanitarian assistance organizations.

The manual is available in a sleeve box hard copy format (free after shipping and handling) or the three-ring binder version (free after shipping and handling). Each volume also includes a DVD of the full text and a small booklet of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

308 pages, Paperback WWW. HUMANRIGHTSYES.ORG

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1 $3.50
2 $5.00
3 $6.50
4 $8.00
